Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge No 29 (May 2012)

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Number 29 (May 2012)

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Group Coordinator and Bulletin Editor

Kenneth Ruddle, Asahigaoka-cho 7-22-511, Ashiya-shi, Hyogo-ken, Japan 659-0012.


Pacific Community, Fisheries Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems Division, Information Section, SPC, BP D5, 98848 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia.
Produced with financial assistance from the Australian Government, the European Union, France and the New Zealand Aid Programme.

Note from the editor

In this issue we have three articles plus a note on new books. In the first article, “Migrating islanders and related community aspects: Effects on community-based marine resource management”, Annette Breckwoldt examines the effects of domestic migration on community-based marine resource management in four coastal communities in eastern Gau Island, Fiji. Based on her own field research, Dr Beckwoldt examines, in particular, some positive aspects of “circular migration” that emerge when educated people return from urban centres to their native villages, and in so doing contribute importantly to re-stabilising communities, and to community-based marine resource management. Also discussed are the definition of community and the balance between development and tradition, because villagers must decide which of the old rules remain important to them but require adapting to serve the community in the future.

Simon R. Bush and Peter Oosterveer of Wageningen University are the co-authors of the second article, “Linking global certification schemes and local practices in fisheries and aquaculture”, based on their field research in Thailand and Vietnam. The eco-labeling of fish and seafood products from certified fisheries is a concept introduced by Western non-governmental organizations and civil society with the objective of improving fisheries management and environmental conservation. Success in implementing the concept rests ultimately on the purchasing power of consumers — who theoretically energize the entire process — fish wholesalers and retail businesses. Whereas information flows are now well understood for exporters, those linking exporters with producers mostly remain to be clarified. To achieve the environmental and social sustainability objectives for which eco-labeling and fisheries certification schemes have been established, there is a need to understand more completely the relationships that link local production practices and relationships with the export trade.

In the third contribution, “Global partnership for small-scale fisheries research: Too big to ignore,” Dr Ratana Chuenpagdee describes the origins and objectives of a project that will concentrate its activities on small-scale fisheries. We include it here to advertise the existence of this project to people in the Pacific Islands region who might wish to contribute or otherwise become involved. (Please contact Dr Chuenpagdee directly.)

The final item in this issue is “Recent publications”. This time we feature seven fisheries-related books published by Eburon Academic Publishers, located in Delft, the Netherlands. We include information on 1) Interactive fisheries governance: A guide to better practice compiled by M. Bavinck, R. Chuenpagdee, M. Diallo, P. van der Heijden, J. Kooiman, R. Mahon and S. Williams; 2) R. Chuenpagdee (ed), World small-scale fisheries: Contemporary visions; 3) S. Cunningham and T. Bostock (eds), Successful fisheries management: Issues, case studies, and perspectives; 4) B. Hersoug, Unfinished business: New Zealand’s experience with rights-based fisheries management; 5) B. Hersoug, Fishing in a sea of sharks: Reconstruction and development in the South African fishing industry; 6) B. Hersoug, Closing the commons: Norwegian fisheries from open access to private property; and 7) B. Hersoug, S. Jentoft, and P. Degnbol, Fisheries development: The institutional challenge.

Kenneth Ruddle


Migrating islanders and related community aspects: Effects on community-based marine resource management
Breckwoldt A. (pdf: 828 KB)
Linking global certification schemes and local practices in fisheries and aquaculture
Bush S.R., Oosterveer P. (pdf: 159 KB)
Global partnership for small-scale fisheries research: Too big to ignore
Chuenpagdee R. (pdf: 127 KB)